Starting the #bookswithkr series with a book that was so good I couldn’t help but share a review when I first read it – Zero to One.
Back in 2019 when I started reading, I’d read around a dozen books before coming to this one. After completing it, I felt compelled to share it on my Instagram. This book’s review—along with several others—is saved as a story highlight on my page.
Now let me preface this review by saying that reading this book will not magically make you a startup guru. In fact, the book doesn’t have much in terms of specific insight that will help you solve a key problem.
But it did help me understand certain problems and the potential answers to those better.
The key point Peter Thiel tries to drive is how many of us have the wrong idea of startups. And how he believes that improvement is good, but original creations are the need of the hour.
I personally love books that talk about stories of the tough calls founders had to take (foreshadowing the next book review hehe) so some parts of the book nearly gave me goosebumps.
To conclude, I felt this is a must-read for anyone considering entrepreneurship. If you check Goodreads, the reviews seem polarizing, but Zero to One helped me think on a macro scale which has helped shape several decisions I’ve taken so far.
It’s also one of the few books I’ve given ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ to!
P.S. I have a few pages worth of highlights from this book on a Google Doc. Shoot me a message if you want access to the GDoc and I’ll see what I can do!